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news - Chiara Scarpitti ?>
News DeHumans copia

DE+HUMANS. DESIGNING WITH MORE-THAN-HUMANat Officina Vanvitelli -  Monumental Complex of San Leucio, Caserta
Exhibition: 19 December 2023 / 31 January 2024
Scientific Coordination: Chiara Scarpitti. Research Team: Annarita Bianco, Michela Carlomagno, Alessandra Cirafici, Noor Fajrina Farah Istiani, Giulio Giordano, Roberto Liberti, Raffaele La Marca, Marzia Micelisopo, Alice Palmieri, Daniela Piscitelli, Patrizia Ranzo, Maria Antonietta Sbordone, Chiara Scarpitti, Rosanna Veneziano. Partnership: Laboratorium at KASK School of Arts, Ghent - Belgium, SUSTech School of Design, Shenzen - China.
The exhibition displays the results of the research project De+Humans- Designing with more-than-human, which was funded in 2022-23 by Unicampania University through the Call for Research Projects dedicated to young researchers.

DE+HUMANS. DESIGNING WITH MORE-THAN-HUMANat Officina Vanvitelli -  Monumental Complex of San Leucio, Caserta
Exhibition: 19 December 2023 / 31 January 2024
Scientific Coordination: Chiara Scarpitti. Research Team: Annarita Bianco, Michela Carlomagno, Alessandra Cirafici, Noor Fajrina Farah Istiani, Giulio Giordano, Roberto Liberti, Raffaele La Marca, Marzia Micelisopo, Alice Palmieri, Daniela Piscitelli, Patrizia Ranzo, Maria Antonietta Sbordone, Chiara Scarpitti, Rosanna Veneziano. Partnership: Laboratorium at KASK School of Arts, Ghent - Belgium, SUSTech School of Design, Shenzen - China.
The exhibition displays the results of the research project De+Humans- Designing with more-than-human, which was funded in 2022-23 by Unicampania University through the Call for Research Projects dedicated to young researchers.

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MONTEBELLO | BERGESIO International Award 2023-24, Contemporary Jewellery and Critical Writing, Milan
Exhibition Milano Design Week: 17 April / 14 May 2024
A project curated by Roberta Bernabei, Nichka Marobin, and Chiara Scarpitti.

The AGC - Association of Contemporary Jewelry announces a selection, for the awarding of two Prizes for research activities, intended for authors and students of any origin and nationality, in the field of contemporary jewellery. GIANCARLO MONTEBELLO PRIZE: First place: euro 1500 / Second place: euro 1000. MARIA CRISTINA BERGESIO PRIZE: euro 800 and pubblication in a scientific journal. For 2023-24 edition, the Jury is composed of: Helen Britton, Liesbeth den Besten, Rita Marcangelo. Acknowledgments: JJR - Journal of Jewellery Research, GianCarlo Montebello’s family, MariaCristina Bergesio’sfamily.
More info here: MB Award website

MONTEBELLO|BERGESIO International Award 2023-24, Contemporary Jewellery and Critical Writing, IED Institute, Milan
Exhibition Milano Design Week: 17 April / 14 May 2024
A project curated by Roberta Bernabei, Nichka Marobin, and Chiara Scarpitti.

The AGC - Association of Contemporary Jewelry announces a selection for awarding two Prizes for research activities intended for authors in the field of contemporary jewel students of any origin and nature. GIANCARLO MONTEBELLO PRIZE: First place: euro 1500 / Second place: euro 1000. MARIA CRISTINA BERGESIO PRIZE: euro 800 and publication in the JJoR scientific journal. For the 2023-24 edition, the Jury comprises: Helen Britton, Liesbeth den Besten, and Rita Marcangelo. Acknowledgments: JJR - Journal of Jewellery Research, GianCarlo Montebello’s family, MariaCristina Bergesio’sfamily.
More info here: MB Award website

News La casa del guanto

LA CASA DEL GUANTO, SSIP / Museo della Moda Fondazione Mondragone, Naples
Curated by Ornella Cirillo, Caterina Fiorentino and Chiara Scarpitti.
Traveling exhibition: SSIP Stazione Sperimentale Pelli, Naples, Opening 17 April 2023 / Museo della Moda Fondazione Mondragone, Naples, Opening 24 January 2024.
The Stazione Sperimentale per l'Industria delle Pelli e delle materie concianti (Experimental Station for the Leather and Tanning Materials Industry), in collaboration with the Department of Architecture and Industrial Design of the University of Campania ‘Luigi Vanvitelli’, proposes an exhibition itinerary that, among documents, photographs, books, products and tools for glove manufacturing, evokes a special story of Italian manufacturing glove production, highlighting the contribution that Naples has made to the construction of a myth of Made in Italy.


DEVOTIONAL JEWELLERY, Oratorio San Rocco, Padua IT /  Melting Point, Valencia ES / Contemporania Escola Massana, Barcelona ES. 
Traveling exhibition: Oratorio San Rocco, Padua, November 22 - Febraury 23 /  Melting Point, Valencia, April 23 / Escola Massana, Barcelona, September 23.
Curated by M.R. Franzin and M.C. Nalon
Promoted by AGC Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo, the exhibition Devotional Jewelry is the brainchild of Elena Alfonsi and was curated by Mirella Cisotto Nalon, with the collaboration of Maria Rosa Franzin. The exhibition features the works of sixty-nine artists of international origin, chosen from the very large number who responded to the Call for Proposals. The exhibition is illustrated by a double language catalogue edited by Antigua Art Edition, Padua. 


FASHION ALIVE, San Lorenzo Cloister | Department of Architecture and Design, University of Campania Vanvitelli, Aversa.
Fashion Show, Video Mapping and Exhibition: 04 July 2023
Curated by
 Cirillo Ornella, Cirillo Vincenzo, Roberto Liberti and Chiara Scarpitti. 
Funded by the European Community and shared with an international team, Creamodite (Madrid) and Universidade do Minho (Portugal), Fashion Alive is aimed at disseminating and experimenting with sustainable practices and methods in the fashion industry. Curtains, tablecloths, sheets, nightgowns, dishcloths, doilies, lace are deconstructed and sartorially reassembled through techniques of folding, draping, moulage, patchwork, fraying, digital or manual printing, dyeing, biocouture and so on, because deceleration, personalization, individual and collective memory, material quality, intangible values, do-it-yourself were the basic foundations of the design processes.


TAROTS, Galerie Mazlo, Paris FR
Exhibition: April 15 to May 27, 2023
Curated by Celine Robin
Combining contemporary jewelry and design, #Tarot is an interdisciplinary exhibition articulated around Tarot cards specially designed by goldsmith author Robert Mazlo to bring to light the hidden geometry of these images. For the occasion, the goldsmith artist involved more than 40 international contemporary jewelry artists, inviting them to interpret a randomly assigned card. This eclectic selection aims to honor emerging talents, established artists and undisputed masters, whether representative of the narrative genre or the minimalist approach.

News Firenze 3

REVERSE TOWARDS A NEW PARADIGM, at NAM Museum / Manifattura Tabacchi, Florence
Exhibition: 03/24 November 2022 / On Show: Crafting Ecosystems, with Francesco Dell'Aglio and Enza Migliore.
A production DIDA - Department of Architecture, University of Florence. Curated by Giuseppe Lotti, Marco Marseglia, Eleonora D'Ascenzi, Elisa Matteucci, Giulia Pistoresi. 
The 17 authors involved employ the language of design to decompose and reconstitute it as an element of reflection, visualization, and solution to the problem addressed. The path is developed in 5 chapters: starting with a breakdown of boundaries, it continues through the concepts of reciprocal altruism and decolonization of the imaginary, moving on to the idea of technology oriented to unprecedented solutions and ending with the idea of tracing a new enchantment in the cosmos. 

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POSTDIGITAL BODIES, at Riot studio, Naples 
Exhibition: 07/08 October 2022
Curated by Patrizia Ranzo and Chiara Scarpitti, in collaboration with Francesca Nicolais
Starting from a pluriverse imaginary, the exhibition invites to explore the multiple scales and manifestations of the body's existence, between organic and inorganic, biological and technological, human and non-human. The event shows contemporary objects and jewelry, and it is articulated through the listening of 9 talks by international designers and artists, two outdoor projections, hybridization between materials and 3D/BCI/AR technologies. The exhibition presents the final design results of the research 'Post Digital Manufacturing Processes. Body Hacking for Productive Systems', funded within the framework of the V:alere 2020 Programme. 

Incroci News 1

NGC UNKNOWN MATTERS, at Incroci Artist's Books. BUN University Library, Naples 
Exhibition: 14 June / 30 September 2022 
Curated by Codice EAN
For this occasion, Chiara Scarpitti presents a new body of works called NGC Unknown Matters. The exhibition, curated by Codice EAN cultural association in collaboration with BUN, showcases works by the following artists: Vittorio Avella, Michele Attianese, Clarissa Baldassarri, Pasquale Coppola, Luigi Pagano, Antonio Picardi, Angelo Ricciardi, Vincenzo Rusciano, Chiara Scarpitti, Lucia Sforza-Antonietta Baronetti. The texts are by Loredana Rea. 

News Talk OP UniFi

OGGETTI PENSIERO. Storie di design, organismi e nature postdigitali. Book presentation for PhD at UniFi, University of Florence
Talk: 08 June 2022. 
Introduced by the Prof. Giuseppe Lotti
The talk is been held as part of the program "Design & Digital Transformation", a cycle of conferences organized by the Doctorate in Sustainability and Innovation for the built environment project and product system - curriculum in Design - DIDA Architecture Department.

News FedericoII

OGGETTI PENSIERO. Storie di design, organismi e nature postdigitali. Book Presentation at Federico II University of Studies of Naples
Talk: 26 April 2022. 
Introduced by the Proff. Francesco Dell'Aglio and Ramon Rispoli
As part of the "Visual Perception Course" three-year Bachelor Degree "CoDe Design for the Community" at DIARC Architecture Department of University of Naples Federico II, Chiara Scarpitti presents her latest book published by LetteraVentidue. 

News EchinoDesign

CRAFTING ECOSYSTEMS at EchinoDesign, City of Science Naples
Exhibition: 1 April / 15 July
Scientific Coordination of Carla Langella

Authors's Project: Francesco Dell'Aglio, Enza Migliore, Chiara Scarpitti
During the Covid-19 emergency of 2020, the Information system, governed by data-flows proved to be one of the most overwhelming and uncontrolled phenomena. The project offer a different vision of informations borrowed from living organisms, and consists of a set of digital artifacts and graphic artworks inspired by the photoaxis movement in sea urchins in response to external stimuli. The achieved awareness is translated into tangible actions for a renovated balance with nature.

News Gioielli in Fermento

RADICI at Gioielli In Fermento, Oratorio San Rocco, Padua
Exhibition and Catalogue: 1 April / 15 May 
Curated by Eliana Negroni

Two pieces of Radici are been selected for Gioielli In Fermento 10 Years (2020 and 2021). The exhibition has opened in Padua, in its complete edition, which celebrates the tenth year of the international competition. In the complexity of the past two years, the double edition of the international contemporary jewelry competition is curated by Eliana Negroni with the kind collaboration of AGC Italian Contemporary Jewellery Association, Charon Kransen Arts, Klimt02 Platform, Joya Barcelona Jewellery Week and some local partners.


OGGETTI PENSIERO. Storie di design, organismi e nature postdigitali. Presentazione at IUAV MODA University, Venice.
Talk: 21 January 2022.
Introduced by the Prof. Alessandra Vaccari. Discussant Paolo Franzo and Clizia Moradei.
As part of the "Advanced Laboratory of Techniques and Materials for Fashion", in collaboration with the research project "Biofashion. Weaving the lagoon between ecocriticism and visual imagery", Chiara Scarpitti presents her latest book published by LetteraVentidue. 


DESIGN, NATURE & THE PLURIVERSE. Tongji Design Week, Tongji University, Shanghai, China
Exhibition and Forum : 17 - 31 December 2021.
Curated by Francesca Valsecchi e Saverio Silli. Exhibited installation: Pluriverse Skins by Patrizia Ranzo and Chiara Scarpitti.
Concept of the event: By definition, design is an anthropocentric discipline: providing consumables, supporting industries, building personal and collective lifestyles. In the anthropocentric view, human wellbeing is considered the goal of technological innovation and economic science. Discussing design beyond its anthropocentric boundaries means to agree that "our wellbeing as species" is a very limited scope for creativity and innovation. How can we therefore look at more-than-human design methodology? How can we go through the "design of transition" so we can create empathy with all the forms of life?

BCM21-20_Scarpitti-1024×576 copia

BOOKCITYMILANO21. Presentazione del volume Oggetti Pensiero. Storie di Design, Organismi e Nature Postdigitali. Archivio Negroni, Milano
Published by LetteraVentidue, Siracusa. (Scientific Commitee - ita)
Talk with the Prof. Patrizia Ranzo: 20 November 2021, 
Archivio come raccolta, ragionata, compulsiva, sentimentale o documentale, per il passato, il presente, il futuro. La presentazione avverrà in presenza presso l'Archivio Negroni Milano e trasmessa on line, in occasione di BOOKCITYMILANO 2021 - 10 Anni. 

News ADI Design Index 2021 ok

ADI DESIGN INDEX 21 Selection for Compasso D'Oro, ADI Design Museum, Milan
Selection announcement and Exhibition: 27 October / 7 November 2021
The book "Oggetti Pensiero. Storie di Design, Organismi e Nature Postdigitali". (Edited by LetteraVentidue Siracusa) has been selected in the critical and scientific writing section for the ADI DESIGN INDEX 2021 - a specific selection for the Compasso D'Oro Competition. The presentation of all the selected projects was announced and exhibited at the ADI Design Museum in Milan. 

retro talk

POSTDIGITAL BODIES at Officina Vanvitelli -  Monumental Complex of San Leucio, Caserta
Exhibition / Workshop curated by Patrizia Ranzo and Chiara Scarpitti: 20 October 2021. Partnership. Tongji University of Shanghai. 
Research Group: C. Leone, M. Musto, P. Ranzo, C. Scarpitti, R. Veneziano. Other Collaborators; M. Carlomagno (credits: support to workshop), F. Galdi (credits: Spark AR Interfaces and Grasshopper modeling), G. Pontillo (credits: support to Stratasys), G. Scalera (credits: graphic design manifesto), F. Valsecchi (credits: photo bio-installation). The exhibition PostDigital Bodies presents the results of the research 'Post Digital Manufacturing Processes. Body Hacking for Productive Systems', funded within the framework of the V:alere 2020 Programme. 


SEGNI SUL VOLTO, at LAO Le Arti Orafe Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence
Talk: 23 October 2021. Project by Carla Riccoboni, with the coordination of Alice Rendon. Partnership: AGC and ADI. 
SEGNI SUL VOLTO (seminar/workshop) will be held in Italian. Free participation upon registration/selection.  The project is aimed to design a collection of facial objects, as an opportunity to reflect on the identity value of ornamentation, charged with symbolic as well as decorative values: "At a time in history when the pandemic has forced us to cover our faces with a mask, we can rethink of it as the first and most significant means of communication." (C.Riccoboni).


LAUNCH BOOK!! Oggetti Pensiero. Storie di Design, Organismi e Nature Postdigitali. 
Published in November 2020 by LetteraVentidue, Siracusa.
Oggetti Pensiero è un libro che condensa due azioni: il pensare e il fare. In un’ottica neoumanista, le istanze della contemporaneità vengono prese in esame attraverso una riappropriazione dei concetti di tecnica e materia, intesi come strumenti di speculazione sensibile del progetto. Dall’incontro tra saperi tecno- scientifici e umanistico-artistici nascono nuove connessioni tra organismo e macchina, uomo e ambiente, esseri umani, oggetti e piante. Grazie ad una serie di esperienze collaborative, i processi progettuali raccolti nella seconda parte del libro - in forma di oggetti - definiscono tre ambiti di ricerca: corpi postdigitali, bioindustrie, nature artificiali. 


RADICI, at Gioielli In Fermento 2021 | 10 Years, Piacenza
Online Exhibition and Catalogue Publication: 07 June 2021
Exhibition at Palazzo Fontana, Ziano Piacentino: 06.07.08 August 2021
Radici is been selected for Gioielli In Fermento 2021 | 10 Years. Contem
porary jewellery here may be seen as a “fermenting” creative process: the challenge is to turn natural and available elements into something precious and unique. Since 2011, eight editions, nearly 400 artists and a wider number of pieces have been presented under the selection of an international board of advisors in the field. Curated by Eliana Negroni with the kind collaboration of AGC Italian Contemporary Jewellery Association, Charon Kransen Arts, Klimt02 Platform, Joya Barcelona Jewellery Week and some local partners.

News Multipli Singolari Book 2

CONTEMPORARY JEWELLERY BEYOND THE DIGITALISATION. Lecture at Loughborough University, Birmingham City University, UK. 
Talk: 02.06.2021
Loughborough University, School of Design and Creative Arts
Birmingham City University, and Institute of Jewellery, Fashion and Textiles, Craft Culture Cluster, Prof. R. Bernabei, Prof. S. Bottomley

The lecture is focused to identify new making processes, which go beyond the traditional notion of digital, towards a new concept of postdigital convergence. In the post-digital era, everything can be adopted as a tool, from the air you breathe, to the light, to the sound of your voice, to brain waves, to different form of life. Objects and organisms have never been so close, as they are processed by similar digital techniques and a new paradigm of reproducibility, which operates according to nature. The gap between technology and nature is tending to dissolve.


POSTDIGITAL DESIGN. 1:1 OBJECTS AND CRITICAL MAKING PRACTICES. Lecture at Sapienza University of Rome, Faculty of Architecture, Rome. 
Talk: 21.04.2021
Master Of Science In Product & Service Design Advanced Design Studio. Introduced by the Proff. Loredana Di Lucchio and Ivo Caruso. 
From a neo-humanist perspective, the Lecture examines the contemporary design objects scenario by re-appropriating of digital technology' and matter concepts, understood as tools of sensitive speculation of the project. In this field, the encounter between techno-digital and humanistic-artistic approaches reveals new relationships between objects, productive processes and human beings. By assuming cognitive triggers toward a deconstructive logic, they do not give absolute or reassuring solutions. 

BODIES News okk-01

7 BODIES. International Open Lectures 
Seven Open Lectures around body, design, art, technology curated by Patrizia Ranzo and Chiara Scarpitti: December 2020 / February 2021, Zoom Platform.
International Cycle of Lectures within the project Postdigital Manufacturing Processes. Body Hacking "Programma Valere" - Course of Design Thinking DXI Master Product / Laboratory of Fashion Design 2 DXM Fashion Bachelor, Department of Architecture and Industrial Design, University of Campania "Luigi Vanvitelli". Guests Speakers: Filippo Nassetti (UK), Giovanni Innella (QA),  Anouk Wipprecht (USA), Tiffany Trenda (USA), Benhaz Farahi (USA), Francesca Lanzavecchia (IT-MA), OhMyBlue Gallery (IT). 

cartoline prove concept

BOOKCITYMILANO 2020. Presentation of Singular Multiples. Contemporary jewellery beyond the digital. at Negroni Archive, Milan. 
Talk: 15 November 2020
Archivio come raccolta, ragionata, compulsiva, sentimentale o documentale, per il passato, il presente, il futuro. Le 3 presentazioni in Archivio Negroni, in occasione di BOOKCITY, si trasferiscono online. Partner: Temporary Bookstore, Milano.
15.11.20.h.11.30 - Chiara Scarpitti in dialogo con Rita Marcangelo. Con il contributo di Carla Riccoboni e AGC - Associazione per il Gioiello Contemporaneo. 


HYPEROBJECTS at EDIT NAPOLI Design Fair, Complesso San Domenico Maggiore, Naples
Exhibition: 15 - 18 October 2020
EDIT Napoli, the fair dedicated exclusively to independent designers and design authors, confirms its second edition in Naples, making it the first onsite fair in Italy in the era of a pandemic that has distorted global logic.Since its inception, EDIT Napoli has promoted design that values quality over quantity, paying great attention to exploring the creative process and the use of materials in the search for sophisticated expressiveness. Realized by AlfaTernaMarmi, IPEROGGETTI is a new research project that merges product design, contemporary jewellery and digital manufacturing technologies. 

News Theresa Pedrosa

LUCE LUZ LIGHT, Thereza Pedrosa Gallery, Asolo
Exhibition: 4 June - 12 July 2020 
The LUCE LUZ LIGHT exhibition is therefore a personal invitation that I made to 16 Italian artists (of origin or adoption): to join together and launch a beam of light, a breeze of fresh air, a wave of hope. To restart, together. Artists and Designer invited: Bruno Pedrosa, Carla Riccoboni, Caterina Zanca, Chiara Scarpitti, Clara Del Papa, Corrado De Meo, Gigi Mariani, Heidemarie Herb, Maria Rosa Franzin, Patrizia Bonati, Sara Barbanti, Stefania Lucchetta, Stefano Fronza, Stefano Rossi, Ylenia Deriu and Yoko Takirai | Pietro Pellitteri.

News Gioielli in Fermento

RADICI, at Gioielli In Fermento 2020, Villa Braghieri Piacenza
Contest and Exhibition: May 2020
Contemporary jewellery here may be seen as a “fermenting” creative process: the challenge is to turn natural and available elements into something precious and unique. Since 2011, eight editions, nearly 400 artists and a wider number of pieces have been presented under the selection of an international board of advisors in the field. Curated by Eliana Negroni with the kind collaboration of AGC Italian Contemporary Jewellery Association, Charon Kransen Arts, Klimt02 Platform, Joya Barcelona Jewellery Week and some local partners.

News Padova

Nell'ambito della mostra Pensieri Preziosi 15 - Bollmann Collection. Contemporary Jewellery 1970-2019 / Oratorio San Rocco, Padova.
Venerdì 14 Febbraio 2020 | Sala Romanino, h.17.30 | Museo Eremitani, Piazza Eremitani, 8 - Padova.
. Introduce Mirella Cisotto Nalon
. Pensieri, sogni e riflessioni di Giancarlo Montebello
. Saranno presenti Chiara Scarpitti, Giulia Scalera, Carla Riccoboni
. In dialogo con Chiaralice Rizzi. 


LAUNCH BOOK!! Singular Multiples. Contemporary Jewellery Beyond The Digital 
2018/2019. Italian and English Edition 
Promoted by AGC - Association of Contemporary Jewellery | Preface of GianCarlo Montebello. Scientific Design Committee. Edited by ListLab.
 Book opens a design perspective to jewellery that is designed for both tangible and intellectual consumption, because it expands its meanings to a wider spectrum of themes and goals, such as sustainability, material and technological innovation, political and social issues that concern contemporaneity. From digital to post-digital, mixing atoms and bits, even jewellery design builds new scenarios, where innovative software, 3D scanners, manipulations of materials and cross-disciplinary contaminations expand the boundaries of research. 

News Connessioni

CONNECTIONS AGC-ACJ on show at: Goldsmiths' Centre The Lighthouse, London (UK) - Scotland’s Centre for Design and Architecture, Glasgow (UK), 
Traveling Exhibition and Catalogue: 7 Novembre 2019 / January 2020.
The Association for Contemporary Jewellery (ACJ) in the UK is working with its Italian equivalent l’Associazione Gioiello Contemporaneo (AGC) on a two-country touring exhibition from November 2019, and running to the end of 2020. Twenty-five makers have been selected from each organisation, and work is coming from jewellers based in Japan, Korea, Australia, USA, US Virgin Islands and several European countries, as well as Italy and the UK. This is a fantastic selection of work on the theme of connections, be they physical, emotional, ephemeral, ethereal or connections as a technical jewellery term. 

News Walking Treasures

Exhibition: 18 - 28 October 2019.
ESH Gallery è lieta di presentare la quarta edizione di Walking Treasures. Tesori da passeggio, l’evento annuale dedicato al gioiello d’artista che intende reinterpretare il concetto di ornamento. La mostra mira ad avvicinare il pubblico al mondo del gioiello contemporaneo attraverso il linguaggio di artisti internazionali che si esprimono per mezzo di tecniche e materiali diversi, dando risalto all’originalità e alla sperimentazione tecnica. Interessata ad indagare il confine tra art and craft e il settore delle arti applicate in generale, ESH Gallery si concentra ancora una volta sulla scultura, in questo caso di formato ridotto e indossabile; opere d’arte da portare tutti i giorni, realizzate a mano o in serie limitata, create attraverso tecniche che esplorano il sottile confine tra arte e design, innovazione e artigianalità.

NEWS Contaminazioni 2

Exhibition and Conference: 12 - 27 October 2019.
Martedi 15 Ottobre 2019 | Conferenza del Prof. Giampietro Guiotto, Accademia LABA di Brescia: Le discriminazioni tra le Arti maggiori e minori. L’Associazione culturale Casa Pajello propone nella sede di Thiene, una mostra per far conoscere al pubblico l’evoluzione del gioiello contemporaneo. La mostra presenterà opere di 7 autori di fama internazionale che con il loro lavoro testimoniano le CONTAMINAZIONI che caratterizzano il mondo attuale della ricerca: Mariarosa Franzin, Emma Francesconi, Anke Henning, Barbara Paganin, Carla Riccoboni, Chiara Scarpitti, Barbara Uderzo.

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BEIJING INTERNATIONAL JEWELRY ART EXHIBITION. Beijing Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing - China
Exhibition and Catalogue: 18 - 28 October 2019.
The Beijing International Jewelry Art Exhibition is an international and academic biennale exhibition for art jewelry. It has been consecutively held for three times since 2013 and is one of the largest academic exhibition ever held in the world. The 3rd event held in 2017 has attracted more than 45 countries. The 2019 exhibition is themed with Guan·Tong, in which Guan means passing through and connection, Tong's original meaning is going through without obstacles and is now extended to the meaning of arrival as well as interconnection without blocks.

Liies exhibition news

LI.E.ES travelling exhibition of art jewelry. Art Course Gallery, Strasbourg - France | Institut Français, Off JOYA Barcelona - Spain
Exhibition and Catalogue, curated by Sebastien Carrè: 5 - 29 June | 8 - 11 October 2019

The profile of the 40 artists, selected from 18 countries, is very diverse; some live in countries where the far right has taken power, while others place migration issues, desertification or climate change at the center of their interest. Although emerging from various cultures, the exhibition will highlight the universal nature of the messages that artists wanted to convey to the public. 

Amber Trip Lacrima News

AMBER TRIP, 4th XVI International Baltic Jewellery Show, Litexpo | Argentum Gallery, Vilnius - Lithuania.
Exhibition : 2 - 30 April 2019.
XVI International Baltic Jewellery Show “Amber Trip” is focused on a social theme. What bothers people today in their personal, communal and global life? What do artists notice and which topics reach their minds and hearts? Which internal and external things make their heart beat faster?


4TH TRIPLE PARADE Contemporary Jewellery Biennial. How Art Museum, Shanghai - China
Exhibition and Catalogue, curated by Jie Sun: 19 October 2018 - 6 January 2019.
TRIPLE PARADE Biennial, a prestigious international exhibition event holds the success spirit and high qualified soul as a good mediator between East and West, it consisting of four sections: Core Section (by Open Call), Country Section (by Invitation), Gallery Section (by Invitation), Fine Artist Jewellery Section (by Invitation). Organized by: TRIPLE PARADE Biennial Committee, HOW Art Museum Shanghai, New Center of Contemporary Jewellery of Fashion Culture (NoCC),  College of Design and Innovation (D&I) / Tongji University.

4th Triple Parade - Contemporary Jewellery Biennial. How Art Museum, Shanghai - China
Exhibition and Publication: 19 October - 6 January 2019.
TRIPLE PARADE Biennial, a prestigious international exhibition event holds the success spirit and high qualified soul as a good mediator between East and West. Organized by: TRIPLE PARADE Biennial Committee, HOW Art Museum Shanghai, New Center of Contemporary Jewellery of Fashion Culture (NoCC),  College of Design and Innovation (D&I) / Tongji University.

SOFA news

SOFA CHICAGO - Sculpture objects functional art and design. represented by Charon Kansen Arts. Chicago - USA
Fair: 1 - 4 November 2018.
Charon Kransen established Charon Kransen Arts in New York City in 1993, in order to promote exciting jewelry from around the world in North America. The work is presented annually at various American art fairs, such as SOFA New York, SOFA Chicago, SOFA Santa Fe and Art Palm Beach and the Int. Art and Design Fair in New York and at select galleries specializing in contemporary crafts and design.

4th Triple Parade - Contemporary Jewellery Biennial. How Art Museum, Shanghai - China
Exhibition and Publication: 19 October - 6 January 2019.
TRIPLE PARADE Biennial, a prestigious international exhibition event holds the success spirit and high qualified soul as a good mediator between East and West. Organized by: TRIPLE PARADE Biennial Committee, HOW Art Museum Shanghai, New Center of Contemporary Jewellery of Fashion Culture (NoCC),  College of Design and Innovation (D&I) / Tongji University.

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NYCJW New York City Jewellery Week. Djuna Space, curated by Charon Kansen Arts, New York USA
Exhibition: 13 - 18 October 2018.
From November 12-18, 2018, the inaugural NYCJW featured 120 events city-wide, including groundbreaking exhibitions, educational lectures, explorative workshops, exclusive tours, and unique collaborations lead by the best and brightest businesses, brands, jewelers, artists, and museums. Partners included The Metropolitan Museum of Art, MAD Museum, Christie’s, Bergdorf Goodman, Verdura, Mahnaz Collection, David Webb, Featherstone Design, Bulgari, Fred Leighton, Lulu Frost, Greenwich Street Jewelers, 92nd Street Y Jewelry Center, and many more.

>>>  4th Triple Parade - Contemporary Jewellery Biennial. How Art Museum, Shanghai - China
Exhibition and Publication: 19 October - 6 January 2019.
TRIPLE PARADE Biennial, a prestigious international exhibition event holds the success spirit and high qualified soul as a good mediator between East and West. Organized by: TRIPLE PARADE Biennial Committee, HOW Art Museum Shanghai, New Center of Contemporary Jewellery of Fashion Culture (NoCC),  College of Design and Innovation (D&I) / Tongji University.

Joya news copia

JOYA ART JEWELRY & OBJECTS. MUSEU del Disseny de Barcelona, Barcelona - Spain.
Fair: 4, 5, 6, October 2018
JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery & Objects is the main art jewellery and art objects event in Spain. Gathering a great number of independent artists as well as related organizations, schools and other entities, JOYA, in its 10th edition prepares to present excellence and innovation in contemporary art jewellery and objects. JOYA is a platform that during these ten years has served as a space for interaction, debate and meeting point of art jewellery sector in Spain, artists and galleries, private collectors and cultural elite, with a complete program of events, exhibitions, conferences and with the support of important publications and media.

>>>  JOYA Art Jewelry & Objects. Museu del Disseny de Barcelona, Barcelona - Spain.
Fair: 4, 5, 6, October 2018
JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery & Objects is the main art jewellery and art objects event in Spain. Gathering a great number of independent artists as well as related organizations, schools and other entities, JOYA is a platform for interaction, debate and meeting point of art jewellery sector with a complete program of events, exhibitions, conferences and with the support of important publications and media.

6. Anthropocene extint flower large brooches copia

LE GÉNIE DES IMAGES. La Joaillerie par Mazlo Gallery, Paris - France
Exhibition curated by Celine Robin: 11 September - 13 October  2018
Artists invited: Zoe Arnold - Ramon Puig Cuyas - Anne Dinan - Carla Garcia Durlan - Robin Kranitzky et Kim Overstreet - Claire Lavendhomme - Jana Machatova - Peter Machata - Iris Nieuwenburg - Kim Nogueira - Barbara Paganin - Katherine Richmond - Chiara Scarpitti - Bettina Speckner - Fatima Focornal - Silvia Walz. 

9. Anthropocene extinct flowers brooches

INTERNATIONAL MEETING EXHIBITION. Collectiva Gallery, Porto - Portugal
Exhibition and Catalogue: 22 September – 31 October 2018
The Collectiva Meeting | International Exhibition is part of the program of Inaugurações Simultâneas de Miguel Bombarda / Porto Art District of the city’s quarter Miguel Bombarda. As in the latest years, the Artistic Quarter of Porto has been promoting a Simultaneous Inauguration event in September, in which the contemporary art galleries of Miguel Bombarda simultaneously present new exhibitions and artists. 

invito mostra BINI

Solo Exhibition and Talk: 16 June - 22 July 2018
The new jewellery series is inspired by the Antropocene period where humanity transforms the physical, chemical and biological natural landscape and ground irreversibly. 16 June: Talk introduction by Fabio A. Capitano, Associate Professor School of Heart, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash University, AUS. “Chiara Scarpitti’s Anthropocene”: what we have lost is what we have found”.  Partnership IIC Italian Cultural Institute of Melbourne.

Anthropocene_extinct flowers and lost landscapes. Bini Gallery, Melbourne - Australia
Solo exhibition: 16 June – 22 July 2018
16June: Talk introduction by Fabio A. Capitano, Associate Professor School of Heart, Atmosphere and Environment, Monash University, AUS. “Chiara Scarpitti’s Anthropocene”: what we have lost is what we have found”.  Partnership IIC Italian Cultural Institute of Melbourne. The new jewellery series is inspired by the new geological period where humanity transforms the physical, chemical and biological natural landscape and ground irreversibly. 

DeAntiquissima 5

Exhibition and Catalogue: 12 May - 31 July 2018
“De Antiquissima” is the new art project dedicated to the anniversary of the born of the neapolitan philosopher Giambattista Vico. Concept: The etymology turns towards a semantic understanding within the language itself. Poetry, metaphysics, truth, knowledge, discourse: these are some of the terms identified for the construction of a new narrative imagery. The work is structured in a series of deep hanging boxes that welcome the drawings printed on silk. Exhibition Catalogue curated by V. Cuomo, D. Giugliano, F. Lomonaco, edited by Il Laboratorio.

Giambattista Vico. Pagine e immagini - Biblioteca Universitaria, Naples - IT
Contemporary art exhibition: 12 May - 31 July 2018
“De Antiquissima” is the new art project dedicated to the anniversary of the born of the neapolitan philosopher Giambattista Vico. Project Concept: The etymology turns towards a semantic understanding within the language itself. Poetry, metaphysics, truth, knowledge, discourse: these are some of the terms identified for the construction of a new narrative imagery. Exhibition Catalogue curated by V. Cuomo, D. Giugliano, F. Lomonaco, edited by Il Laboratorio.

Correspondences Botanica brooches low

CELEBRATORY ADORNMENT, Mobilia Gallery, Cambridge, Massachusetts - USA
Special Occasion Jewelry Exhibition: 9 December - 27 January 2018 

Mobilia Gallery is pleased to present a group presentation of Celebratory Adornment, included a jewelry selection by the designer and artist Chiara Scarpitti. Established in 1978, Mobilia Gallery features a schedule of innovative, curated exhibitions of work by American and international artists with slide lectures and symposiums to provide a deeper understanding of the art and the creative process. 

1. Anthropocene lost landscape

Solo Exhibition curated by Bella Neyman: 24 November 2017 - 15 January 2018. Artist Talk 8th December.
Poetic Adornments presents jewelry and scarves by Italian artist and designer Chiara Scarpitti. This exhibition features collections of Scarpitti’s work from the past seven years, including her most recent, Anthropocene. Each handmade piece is a result of extensive research into themes pertaining to anthropology, nature, and poetry.

News Hyle 2

LAUNCH BOOK!! HYLE. Dialoghi transdisciplinari sul design
Texts and Curatorship: Francesco Dell’Aglio, Enza Migliore, Chiara Scarpitti. Published by Il Laboratorio, Naples. 
As a curatorial project, Hyle_dialoghi transdisciplinari sul design was born with the aim to investigate the contemporary design procedures and its expressions in the city of Naples. The investigation has been carried out with the Research through Design approach and based on the creation of a body of works that, through their materials and processing methods, were able to tell about the identity of its design practices as a manifesto. 

Logo HYLE news

Curatorship: Francesco Dell’Aglio, Enza Migliore, Chiara Scarpitti. Exhibition: 10 - 26 November 2017.
Designers/artists invited: Ivo Caruso; Diego Cibelli; Chiara Corvino; Daniele della Porta; Francesco Pace; Giulia Scalera; Salvatore Scandurra. Exhibition Project: The dialogical manifesto, written by hand through the serigraphs, becomes a way to rethink one's being in the place. The exhibition also presents a series of epistemological works in form of containers, such as vases, boxes, sculptures, intended as devices to visualize visions, otherwise abstract, on Naples. Catalogue edition Il Laboratorio, Naples. ISBN: 9788896787199

HYLE. Dialoghi transdisciplinari sul design, Riot studio, Napoli - IT
Curatorial project and catalogue: 10 - 26 November 2017
Curatorship and ideation: Francesco Dell’Aglio, Enza Migliore, Chiara Scarpitti
Exhibition Concept: The dialogical manifesto, written by hand through the serigraphs, becomes a way to rethink one's being in the place. The exhibition also presents a series of epistemological works in form of containers, such as vases, boxes, sculptures, intended as devices to visualize visions, otherwise abstract, on Naples. Catalog editions "The Laboratory" ISBN: 9788896787199

VicenzaOro news ok

Fair: 24 - 27 September 2017
A selection curated by VicenzaOro of 9 designers from AGC (Association Contemporary Jewelry, Italy) will be displayed in a special space during the Jewelry Fair in Vicenza.

AGC Space. VicenzaOro, Vicenza IT
Jewelry Fair: 24 - 27 September 2017
A selection curated by VicenzaOro of 9 designers from AGC (Association Contemporary Jewelry, Italy) is been displayed in a special space during the Jewelry Fair.

Natura Praetiosa

NATURA PRAETIOSA, Mediterranean Science Museum, Livorno
Exhibition curated by AGC: 17 - 25 June 2017
What is the possible connection between Nature and Contemporary Jewelry? Amongst many contemporary jewelers, a projection of the Métissages edited by Nichka Marobin on the basis of a selection of works in the exhibition, will take place.

Natura Praetiosa, Mediterranean Museum, Livorno - IT
Exhibition curated by AGC: 17 - 25 June 2017
What is the possible connection between Nature and Contemporary Jewelry? Amongst the exhibition of many contemporary jewelers, a projection of images of the Métissages edited by Nichka Marobin  takes place.

News Bague

BAGUES, Galerie Bettina Flament, Lille - France
Exhibition: 13 June - 29 July 2017.
A selection of rings by Chiara Scarpitti Studio will be displayed for this special exhibition.

BAGUES, Galerie Bettina Flament, Lille - France
Exhibition: 13 June - 29 July 2017.
A selection of rings by Chiara Scarpitti Studio is been displayed for this special exhibition.

Imago Mundi Madre

COLLEZIONE IMAGO MUNDI: Authors from Campania, MADRE Museum, Naples
Exhibition curated by Chiara Pirozzi: 12 April - 08 May 2017.
Collezione Imago Mundi: Doni. Authors from Campania. Imago Mundi è un progetto non profit di arte contemporanea promosso da Luciano Benetton in cui artisti di tutto il mondo, affermati ed emergenti, si misurano con lo stesso supporto, una tela di 10×12 centimetri.

News Fluxus

Science Museum at Città della Scienza. Opening: 04 March 2017. 
Corporea is the first interactive museum in Europe completely dedicated to the human body. Chiara Scarpitti Studio will exhibit at the Museum with a preview of the work Fluxus – Postdigital Jewelry: a limited series of brooches in gold and resin, 3D printed through the brainwaves. The project represent one of the final outcomes of the collaboration with the Waag Society, Amsterdam. The Fluxus Project is been exhibited from March 2017 until January 2019. 

Fluxus. PostDigital Jewelry, CORPOREA Museum, Napoli - IT
Opening Interactive Science Museum: 04 March 2017
Corporea is the first interactive museum in Europe completely dedicated to the human body. Chiara Scarpitti Studio is been selected to exhibit at the Museum with a specific work Fluxus – Postdigital Jewelry: a limited series of brooches in gold and resin, 3D printed through the brainwaves. The project represent one of the final outcomes of the collaboration with the Waag Society, Amsterdam.

cover DesigneDelitto

LAUNCH BOOK!! Design e Delitto. Critica e metamorfosi dell’oggetto contemporaneo | Design on Trial. Critique and metamorphosis of the contemporary object. (ita/engl)
(testi e selezione progetti in collab. con Chiara Scarpitti) di Francesca La Rocca, editore Franco Angeli, Roma, ita.2016/eng.2017
Il lbro individua una serie di fenomeni emergenti del design contemporaneo, visti come risposte concrete ad una serie di accuse rivolte all’oggetto moderno, immaginato al centro di un ideale "processo". Attraverso 12 parole-chiave, vengono individuati una serie di fenomeni innovativi e influenti che caratterizzano oggi il design. Accusa e risposta: Il vivente; L’enigmatico; Il thinkered; L’informe; Il connesso; Natura nuda; L’oggetto con un mini-ego; Il neomaterico; Il sensoriale; Il feticcio; Il drammatico; L’assente. 

news Triple Parade 2016

3th TRIPLE PARADE Biennial for Contemporary Jewellery. Dialogue Across You and Me to Them: Creator, Wearer, Viewer. Tianjin|Beijing, China
Traveling exhibitions and Catalogue curated by Jie Sun: Tianjin SHENGXI Museum of Fine Arts | GAUGUIN Gallery Beijing (CN). 11 November 2016 - January 2017
The term Dialogue across You and Me to Them: Creator, Wearer, Viewer in our theme is vitally important marks the notion of social interaction. The works of Chiara Scarpitti Studio are been selected to exhibit at TRIPLE PARADE, a prestigious international project, leading the contemporary applied art and design in China.

Sieraad News

SIERAAD Contemporary Art Jewelry Fair, Amsterdam - Netherlands
Fair: 10 - 13 November 2016
Chiara Scarpitti Studio will partecipate at the Fair with a solo stand. SIERAAD Contemporary Art Jewelry Fair is a very special fair where artists from all over the world sell their jewellery directly and in person to shops, galleries and consumers SIERAAD Art Fair presents. Artist-designers from all corners of the globe, including highly talented emerging designers from internationally acclaimed academies, will be exhibiting exciting work not found anywhere else. 

SIERAAD Contemporary Art Jewelry Fair, Amsterdam - Netherlands
Art Fair: 10 - 13 November 2016
Chiara Scarpitti Studio will partecipate at the Fair with a solo stand. SIERAAD Contemporary Art Jewelry Fair is a fair where artists from all over the world sell their jewellery directly and in person to shops, galleries and consumers. SIERAAD Art Fair presents artist-designers from all corners of the globe, including highly talented emerging designers from internationally acclaimed academies.

news Dialoghi 5nov.

GIOIELLO CONTEMPORANEO: nuovi scenari e nuove tecnologie tra ricerca, moda e mercato, Conference Padua
Exhibition and Conference curated by M.C.Nalon and AGC: 5 November 2016.
The Conference is held during the exhibition "Dialoghi Italia-Giappone", curated by AGC Italy and JJDA Japan. Modera: Mirella Cisotto, Capo Settore Cultura, Turismo, Musei e Biblioteche e studiosa di gioielleria contemporanea. Interventi di: Paulo Ribeiro, direttore di Joya Barcelona | Leo Caballero, direttore del network Klimt02 | Rita Marcangelo, gallerista e curatrice collezione Cominelli | Nichka Marobin, storica dell'arte, blogger e curatrice di mostre | Chiara Scarpitti  designer  e PhD | Guglielmina Peretto presidente Regionale Orafi Confartigianato | Stefano Rossi orafo e membro del direttivo AGC. 

Conference "Gioiello contemporaneo: nuovi scenari e nuove tecnologie tra ricerca, moda e mercato" Padova
Exhibition and Conference curated by M.C.Nalon and AGC: 5 November 2016
Partecipation as a speaker to the Conference of contemporary jewelry which takes place the last the day of the exhibition Dialoghi Italia-Giappone, curated by AGC Italy and JJDA Japan.

news Joya2016

JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair. Arts Santa Monica, Barcelona – Spain.
Fair: (AGC Space) 4 - 5 - 6 October 2016
JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair is the main art jewellery and art objects event in Spain. Gathering a great number of independent artists as well as related organizations, schools and other entities, JOYA, in its 10th edition prepares to present excellence and innovation in contemporary art jewellery and objects.

JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair. Arts Santa Monica, Rambla 7, Barcelona – Spain.
Fair: 4 - 5 - 6 October 2016
Chiara Scarpitti Studio is present with some pieces inside the AGC space. JOYA Barcelona Art Jewellery Fair is the main art jewellery and art objects event in Spain. Gathering a great number of independent artists as well as related organizations, schools and other entities, JOYA, in its 10th edition prepares to present excellence and innovation in contemporary art jewellery and objects.

News Origin

ORIGIN FAIR by NJAL London, Fiera Milano City, Milan
Selected for Origin Fair, by NJAL e Fiera di Vicenza: 6 - 7 - 8 September 2016
Origin Passion and Beliefs (OPB) is the only capsule show in the world that brings together Italy’s most distinguished manufacturers and suppliers with 50 innovative emerging fashion design talents from five continents. OPB shines the world’s spotlight on pioneering emerging fashion design and is a hub where new business opportunities emerge and creativity is truly supported. Location: Fiera Milano Unica – Hall 8 Stand 158. Rho Fiera, Milan.

ORIGIN FAIR, Fiera Milano Unica, Milan - IT
Selected for Origin Fair, by NJAL e Fiera di Vicenza: 6 - 7 - 8 September 2016
Origin Passion and Beliefs (OPB) is the only capsule show in the world that brings together Italy’s most distinguished manufacturers and suppliers with 50 innovative emerging fashion design talents from five continents. OPB shines the world’s spotlight on pioneering emerging fashion design and is a hub where new business opportunities emerge and creativity is truly supported.


HYBRID-ISM AND MULTI-ETHNICITY Exhibition Pad. Marie Curie, Città della Scienza, Naples
Curatorship exhibition: 01 - 12 June 2016
Hybrid-ism Multi-Ethnicity exhibition, a cura di C.Langella, P.Ranzo, E.Migliore, F.Dell’Aglio, C. Scarpitti. The exhibition shows the results of the exchange with the California College of Art of San Francisco. 


DIALOGUES AGC – JJDA. Travelling exhibitions between Italy and Japan
Travelling Exhibition and Catalogue curated by AGC and JJDA Japan Jewellery Designers Association, Tokio: 2016 - 2017
Exhibitions: 26.11/15.01 2017 – Museo del Bijoux, Casalmaggiore | 23.09/5.11 – Oratorio San Rocco, Padua |  25.06/24.07 – Fondazione Cominelli, San Felice del Benaco, Brescia. | 4/11.06 – Museo Storia Naturale del Mediterraneo, Livorno.

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Exhibition and Catalogue of the Permanent Collection, curated by Rita Marcangelo: 04 March - 30 April 2016 
Cominelli Foundation hosts 75 international artists representing contemporary jewelery world. To the Design Section belong the works of GianCarlo Montebello, Carla Riccoboni, Chiara Scarpitti, Barbara Uderzo.

Permanent Collection Cominelli Foundation, Oratorio San Rocco, Padua - IT
Exhibition Permanent Collection Cominelli Foundation, curated by Rita Marcangelo: 04 March - 30 April 2016 
Cominelli Foundation hosts 75 international artists representing contemporary jewelery world. To the Design section are been selected the work of GianCarlo Montebello, Carla Riccoboni, Chiara Scarpitti, Barbara Uderzo.

Triennale News

W. WOMEN IN ITALIAN DESIGN, XXI Triennale Design Museum, Milan 
Exhibition and Catalogue curated by Silvana Annicchiarico: 2 April 2016 / 19 February 2017
The ninth edition of the Triennale Design Museum curated by Silvana Annicchiarico, while elebrating its XXI International Exhibition, examines Italian design in the light of one its most delicate, most problematic aspects – but also one of the most exciting and appealing, which is that of gender. Chiara Scarpitti Studio is been selected to participate in the exhibition with 5 selected objects: four pieces of jewelry + one vase.

W. Women in Italian Design, Triennale Design Museum, Milan - IT
Exhibition curated by Silvana Annicchiarico: 2 April / 12 September 2016
Chiara Scarpitti Studio is been selected to participate in the exhibition W. Women in Italian Design with five objects: 4 pieces of jewelry + 1 vase.

Premio Leonardo

AWARD PREMIO LEONARDO, Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome
Conference Premio Leonardo, Cerimonia Qualità Italia: 07 March 2016 
Delivery by the President of Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella of the Leonardo Award (promoted by the company: Annamaria Alois San Leucio) for the Doctoral Thesis "Postdigital Design Industry. Objects, Things Organisms " (Supervisor: Prof. Patrizia Ranzo. University of Campania Vanvitelli).

Award Giving - Premio Leonardo, Palazzo del Quirinale, Rome - IT
Conference Premio Leonardo, Cerimonia Qualità Italia: : 07 March 2016 
The Leonardo Award is been delivered by the President of Italian Republic Sergio Mattarella (company: Annamaria Alois San Leucio) for the Doctoral Thesis "Postdigital Design. Objects, Things Organisms ".

首饰 无界3-1

INTERNATIONAL JEWELRY ART BIENNIAL, Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing - China
Exhibition and Catalogue: 16-30 December 2015
The Beijing International Jewelry Art Exhibition is an international and academic biennale exhibition for art jewelry. During the event, an international academic forum about innovation of art jewelry and an International jewelry design education symposium will be held. The exhibition is part of the events planned for 2015 Beijing Design Week. Co-organizer: China International Design Industry Union, Beijing Design Society. 

International Jewelry Art Biennial, Institute of Fashion Technology, Beijing - China
Exhibition: 16-30 December 2015
The exhibition is part of the events planned for 2015 Beijing Design Week. Co-organizer: China International Design Industry Union, Beijing Design Society.

Loot news

LOOT MAD ABOUT JEWELRY. Museum Art and Design, New York - USA
Exhibition: 28 September - 03 October 2015
The Museum of Arts and Design will present LOOT: MAD About Jewelry, its annual exhibition and sale featuring designs from more than 50 emerging and acclaimed international jewelry artists. 


“Sieraden”, curated by Beeld en Aambeeld Galerie, Stichting Het Kunstgemaal
“Surface”, curated by MT. Annarumma, Museum Filangieri, Naples
“I’mperfect”, curated by M. Massera, PAN Palazzo delle Arti, Naples
“Permanent Collection Cominelli Foundation”, curated by AGC, Fondazione Cominelli, Salò
“ORIGIN Fair" curated NJAL, VicenzaOro, Vicenza
“Exploring Textile Jewellery”, Bini Gallery, Melbourne (AUS)
“Diatom De-Science”, curated by C. Langella, Città della Scienza, Naples
“La Frontera”, The Houston Center for Contemporary Art, Houston (USA)
“Changing Hues”, The Ganoskin Project (USA)
“Circuits Bijoux”, curated by I. Bembo, Auction House Audap Mirabaud, Paris (FR) 
“SIERAAD” Contemporary Jewelry Art Fair, Amsterdam (NL)
“Gift・Ed”, MANO Gallery, Taipei City (TWN)
“Papallona/Mariposa/Butterfly” curated by P. Sajet, Museu de Ciències Naturals, Granollers (ES)
“Filo RossoxParis” curated by I. Bembo, Agatha Ruiz de La Prada, Paris (FR)
“La Frontera”, curated by M. Holmes, Velvet da Vinci Gallery, San Francisco (USA)
“Preziosa Young”, Preziosa Contemporary Jewellery, curated by M.C.Bergesio, Museo Marini, Florence
“La Frontera”, Museum Franz Meyer, Mexico City (MEX)
“Quite Quirky”, Diana Porter Gallery, Bristol (UK)
“DMY” Design Fair, curated by SUDLab, Berlin (DE)
“New Brand Brand New" Selection at Inhorgenta Jewelry Fair, Munich (DE)
“Preziosa Young” at Revolt, The Art Gallery in Legnica, Legnica (PL)
“TraCarte”, Fondazione Banca del Monte, Foggia
“Preziosa Young”, Inhorgenta Fair, Munich (DE)
“Cose In/Possibili”, PLART Design Foundation, Naples
“Close”, curated by M.T. Annarumma, Mineralogical Museum, Vico Equense
“Particules Nuit”, Galerie MariaClara Art Point, Brussel (BE)
“Cominelli Foundation Award”, curated by AGC, Fondazione Cominelli, Salò
“Talents", Tendence Fair, Frankfurt (DE)
“Pglassfactory”, MOST FuoriSalone, Museo della Scienza e della Tecnica, Milan
“La via dell’imperfezione”, curated by Trend&Tradition, via dei Fossi, Florence
“Sexy”, Legnica Gallery Jewellery Festival, Legnica (PL)
“SIERAAD” Contemporary Art Jewelry Fair, Amsterdam (NL)
“JOYA Contemporary Art Jewelry Fair" AGC space, Barcelona (ES)
"A.I. Artisanal Intelligence" Alta Roma, Palazzo Congressi, Rome
“Artematica Vitrum Arte” Valcucine, Isi Arti Associate, Naples
“Antologica Arte3″, curated by F. Profili, Narni
“Premio Mario Pinton”, curated by M.Cisotto, Oratorio San Rocco, Padua
“Lumina”, Alchimia Contemporary Jewellery School, Florence
“Xtremelyordinarydesign”, Padiglione Satellite, Salone del Mobile, Milan
“DesignersBlock”, Ventura-Lambrate, FuoriSalone del Mobile, Milan
“Mediterraneo”, Museum of Natural History, curated by AGC, Livorno
“Led Exhibition Design 2010”, Palazzo Marini, Milan
“Filo Rosso” Contemporary Jewellery Biennal, Museum of Art Ugo Carà, Trieste
"Cominelli Foundation Award”, curated by AGC, Fondazione Cominelli, Salò
“DAS European Creativity” RomaDesignPiù, ExGil, Rome
“Connections”, curated by P. Bole, AGu gallery, Lubiana (SL)
”New play in art”, curated by E.M.Zilioli, Heller Garden, Brescia
“Taking the tradition into the future” feat. V.Westwood, curated by A. Lissoni, Spazio Flos, Milan
“Gioiello italiano contemporaneo”, curated by A.Cappellieri, Castello Sforzesco, Milan
“Ars Ornata Europeana”, Craft and Design Center, Manchester (UK) 
"RomaDesignPiù", curated by T.Paris, Scuderie Palazzo Ruspoli, Rome
"Gioielli d'Artista", curated by F. Cusati, Galleria d'Arte San Giorgio, Naples
“Design in Mostra”, curated by P. Ranzo, Padiglione America Latina, Naples
“RomaDesignPiù”, curated by T.Paris, Ex Magazzini Generali, Rome



©2024 Chiara Scarpitti. All rights reserved